We devote our research efforts to explore the "dark" Universe and its filamentary network that we call the "Cosmic Web" using both theoretical/numerical models and observations with the most advanced astronomical instruments on 8-10m class telescopes. In particular, we focus on the direct detection and study in emission of the baryonic component of the "Cosmic Web" - the Intergalactic and Circumgalactic media - in order to unravel the three-dimensional morphology of Cosmic Structures and to address several fundamental questions:
- How do galaxies form within the Cosmic Web? What are the physical conditions for the formation of stars within protogalaxies?
- How do galaxies get their gas? What is the morphology and kinematics of the accreting gas and how does this affect galaxy formation and evolution?
- What are the physical and morphological properties of the Cosmic Web? How does this compare to our understanding of cosmic structure formation in the Early Universe?